This video is 11 minutes long, but please take the time to watch, and then share it. It does an excellent job of covering Winnie's disappearance, and also addresses the issues of drug infiltration and violence in vulnerable communities. Mostly I hope and pray that it will lead to answers for us, and at the very least, be the basis for starting conversations around issues facing these (and other) communities that might lead to ideas on how address them. ❤🙏 more
Lasagna Roll Ups soundboxxx
Lasagna Roll Ups - Cooking Classy
These Lasagna Roll Ups not only look incredible but taste incredible. There's served in individual portions and are great for freezing too.
Rodney Kash's answer: You can try a few fruits & herbs with it. You can use things that’re similar looking like your bronchial tubes which would be Cherries, Seeded grapes, Elderberry, blueberry, raspberry. There’s other fruits that can help which are Guava & Pomegranate. These fruits have antiox... more