I'm glad we are making a world where you wouldn't even notice a zombie apocalypse.
I'm glad we are making a world where you wouldn't even notice a zombie apocalypse.
People who “know you from somewhere” are the worst.
It's not whether there's a light at the end, it's what you do while in the tunnel.
If you can't handle me at my Valdemar Sejr, then you definitely don't deserve me at my Svend Tveskæg.
I hate to break it to you, but people actually get worse than this.
Back to the Fucking Future
“You want thingamabobs? You want some fucking thingamabobs??? Motherfucker, I've got twenty. Get the fuck out of here with your thingamabobs.”
- Samuel L. Jackson and Joe Pesci Present: The Little Mermaid
People believe lies when it's easier and/or better for them than the truth.
Lies like, “Your life doesn't suck because you're a shiftless hillbilly who should have read more books; it sucks because non-European babies want to live in your country.”
You can always tell the people who forced the dictionary to change the definition of “literally.”
Update: Fuck this.
The media should stop publishing the “have sympathy for the willfully unvaccinated who were outspoken against vaccines and masks” articles. They didn't care about spreading the virus or anyone else's suffering. They only care when it effects them directly.
Where's that article? ...read more
I know things look pretty grim again.
At any rate, talk to you later!