can I hear a little commotion for the dress #prompt1 @cassiedorane
can I hear a little commotion for the dress #prompt1 @cassiedorane
The bears watched us take these 😛
~cassandra !! on cassiedorane
@jess.mmurphy @laurenlampmann @lindseydellibovi @meghanncummings @jenzirkel
Middle of Nowhere
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soo.. same time tomorrow?
~cassandra !! on cassiedorane
@jess.mmurphy @katiexcruz @skydivelongisland_
Skydive Long Island
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good days on my mind 🌈 @cassiedorane
i get to wear a cowboy hat today @cassiedorane
after prom photo dump <3
~jess on jessicaa
@cassiedorane @danielle.reby @lindseydellibovi @victoriamues @avafama @nick_lofaso
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washed up🧼
~cassandra !! on cassiedorane
@laurenlampmann @lindseydellibovi @victoriamues @meghanncummings @_julianaclement @katiexcruz @jacqueline.modugno.222 @jess.mmurphy @jenzirkel @emily.finck @aileendermody @_chris.brownn @jessicaa.le @avafama @danielle.reby @jenmcbride_ @danielatalio @carlylambrinon @hailey.madison26
University of Florida
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photo dump timee #prompt2
~cassandra !! on cassiedorane
@jess.mmurphy @laurenlampmann @katiexcruz @jenzirkel @danielle.reby @emily.finck @carlylambrinon @aileendermody @hailey.madison26 @jessicaa.le @lindseydellibovi
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My happy place 📍 @cassiedorane